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CNN Host Cuts Away From Trump’s Response Following 9-0 SCOTUS Ruling To ‘Fact-Check’ Him

(Republican Insider) - In case you haven’t noticed, CNN, an extremely left-leaning news network, doesn't care very much for former President Donald Trump. Not...

Watch Now: Trump Launches Offensive Against Fani Willis

(Republican Insider) - Former President Donald Trump was in the mood to take no prisoners on Saturday during a speech delivered in Virginia --...

Biden Claims Doctors Deemed Him ‘Too Young’ After Physical

(Republican Insider) - President Joe Biden attempted to make a joke on Wednesday as he discussed his recent trip to the hospital for a...

Breaking Poll: Americans’ New Top Concern Spells Horrible News For Biden

(Republican Insider) - The latest polling has revealed there is a new top concern for American voters. Given which issue it is, and the...

Hunter Biden Claims ‘Future Of Democracy’ Hinges On His Sobriety

(Republican Insider) - Well, guys, it looks like "democracy" is about to come crashing to an end. It was a good run. We had...

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